The Value Scores

Each month you will receive a Value Score based on your ‘Price’ (where available), ‘Service’ and ‘Quality’ metrics in Hub. Lower performing metrics will result in an Action or Improve score. Maintain an Okay score and you’ll continue experiencing Deliveroo as it is today. If you have a Good or Great Value Score, you will unlock new extra benefits.

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How metrics are scored

Great value for money is determined by providing the best possible ‘Price’, ‘Service’ and ‘Quality’ for customers.

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Price mark-up is the percent difference between what you charge on Deliveroo versus what you charge when customers dine in (where available). For full details of how this is calculated, please see our Value Programme policy.

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Service is made up of order related performance. This includes inaccurate orders, late prepared orders (missing or late delivered orders for M+ partners), rejected orders, and partner-driven cancellations.

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Quality is defined by your customer rating on Deliveroo’s app. To learn more visit our Value Programme help article.

How overall Value Scores are calculated

Your Value Score will change monthly on the 5th of every month in Hub. These metrics are measured each month for each restaurant site. Deliveroo will notify you of the Value Score for your site on or around the 5th calendar day of the following month via Hub. Read the full details of how Value Scores are calculated.

  • Price mark-up is 35% or higher
  • Any Service metrics are scored within their respective Action threshold
  • Price mark-up is between 25–35%
  • Any Service metrics are scored within their respective Improve threshold
  • Price mark-up is between 10–25%
  • All service metrics are scored Okay
  • Your customer rating is less than 4.5
  • Price mark-up is between 0–10%
  • All service metrics are scored Okay
  • Your customer rating is 4.5 or above
  • Price mark-up is 0%
  • All service metrics are scored Okay
  • Your customer rating is 4.5 or above

Account benefits

Deliveroo will reward restaurants that provide ‘Good’ or ‘Great’ value for money. Unlock new, extra benefits including: new promotional Value Marketing Carousel in-App, access to Deliveroo funded offers and more, all designed to drive customers to your restaurant.

Restaurants on the Deliveroo app

‘Good’ account benefits

Achieve a value score of Good and receive the following benefits*

  • Value tags - generated by customers who are asked to provide them post order. They appear across our platform where enough orders from that site have been tagged.
  • Priority in Value Carousels - highlighting best value sites where sites meet the criteria for those carousels.
  • Deliveroo funded Marketer Offers (up to twice a month) from 11th January 2024 - eligible for our Tasty Thursday Marketer Offer, fully funded by Deliveroo for up to two weeks per month whilst the site keeps a ‘Good’ Value Score. You’ll need to opt-in to the Tasty Thursday Offer to access this funding by following these steps. Marketer Offers are subject to the Marketer Terms & Conditions.
  • Priority in Offers Carousel - feature higher in the ‘Offers near you’ carousel than other sites.
Deliveroo's Choice logo

‘Great’ account benefits

Achieve a value score of Great and receive the following benefits*

  • Deliveroo’s Choice - Sites will automatically be included in the Deliveroo’s Choice programme. Deliveroo’s Choice and qualifying sites will be highlighted at multiple places across the platform, via Deliveroo’s Choice badge and new pop-ups.
  • Redirective Merchandising - automatically included in a new carousel highlighting other restaurants which offer value.
  • Value tags - generated by customers who are asked to provide them post order. They appear across our platform where enough orders from that site have been tagged.
  • Priority in Value Carousels - highlighting best value sites where sites meet the criteria for those carousels.
  • Deliveroo funded Marketer Offers (weekly) - eligible for our Tasty Thursday Marketer Offer, fully funded by Deliveroo for each week the site keeps a ‘Great’ Value Score. You’ll need to opt-in to the Tasty Thursday Offer to access this funding by following these steps. Marketer Offers are subjection to the Marketer Terms & Conditions.
  • Priority in Offers Carousel - feature higher in the ‘Offers near you’ carousel than other sites.

Please be aware, from Wednesday 16th April, Midweek Special will replace Tasty Thursday as the Value Programme Deliveroo-funded offer. Thursday 10th April will be the final date for Tasty Thursday to serve as the Deliveroo-funded offer in the Value Programme. After this date, if you wish to continue participating in Tasty Thursday, this will need to be self-funded and you will need to sign up through the banner in Partner Hub starting from Friday 11th April. Please refer back for more information on the new Value Programme Deliveroo-funded offer on Wednesday 16th April

Learn more about the benefits

Account limitations

The limitations applied to sites with ‘Action’ or ‘Improve’ Value Scores

‘Improve’ account limitations

A value score of Improve can result in the following limitations:

  • Month 1 - Warning
  • Month 2 - Bottom rank in carousels (excluding Offers and Ads)
  • Month 3 - Access to Marketer Offers and Ads suspended
  • Month 4 - Bottom rank everywhere, including list position

‘Action’ account limitations

A value score of Action can result in the following limitations:

  • Month 1 - Warning
  • Month 2 - Bottom rank everywhere including list position, access to Marketer Offers and Ads suspended
  • Month 3 - Site at risk of suspension (starting from 5th February 2024)

Importance of Value for Money

Why Value for Money is important in building a successful delivery business.

Need more help?

Check out these resources for more info.

Value Programme Help centre article

For more information on what’s the Value Programme, how the Value Score is calculated, benefits and limitations.

Frequently Asked Questions

Find answers to your questions here. Including, what happens if you’re not happy with your Value Score.

Deliver and Grow report

Find out how important Value for Money is to customers and for guidance on how to improve your Value Score.

Value Programme policy

Make sure you read the Value Programme policy for full details of the programme.